Youth Summer Camps

Running weekly every July and August

  • Wet Feet

    Ages 7 - 10

    Monday - Wednesday, 9am - 12pm


    This course is great for youth who want to give sailing a try, but aren’t ready for a full week.

  • CANSail 1 - Introduction to Sailing

    Ages 9 - 18

    Monday - Friday, 9am - 3pm


    This course allows students the opportunity to learn basic sailing skills and on-water safety in a fun and engaging environment. Students work towards to achieving their CANSail certificates through classroom and practical experience.

  • CANSail 2 - Basic Skills

    Ages 10 - 18

    Monday - Friday, 9am - 3pm


    This course allows students the opportunity to build on the sailing skills learned in CANSail 1 and develop the on-water consistency, responsibility and confidence to sail independently. Students work towards achieving their CANSail certificates through classroom and practical experience.

  • CANSail 3 - Intermediate

    Youth (13 and older) and Adult combined class

    Two week long course

    Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm


    CANSail 3 teaches sailors to integrate the fundamental boat handling maneuvers and balance with basic tactics and strategy as well as applied sail trim. Sailors are exposed to a greater variety of conditions and participate in a club race or club training camp.

  • CANSail 4 - Advanced

    Youth (13 and older) and Adult combined class

    Two week long course

    Monday- Friday, 10am - 4pm


    CANSail 4 teaches sailors to perform advanced boat handling maneuvers in a variety of conditions. Sailors can successfully execute maneuvers in competitive settings and for tactical and strategic purposes. Sailors participate in a one to two-day local regatta.

  • Private Lessons

    …for Youth, Adult, Family or Group

    Through private lessons you can learn to sail at your own pace, refresh your knowledge if you haven’t sailed for long, improve skills, etc…

    These are hourly-based lessons and depend on instructor availability. Please contact us to book and for more information.